Activities 2021 - 2022

1st EC meeting
The first executive meeting was held at Recca Club on 3.9.21.The meeting was presided by Dr.Joseph Thachil and was jointly hosted by Dr.Joseph, Dr.Siby, Dr.Bijoy and Dr.Deepak.

The minutes of the meeting is detailed below:
It was hereby decided that we would have 5 EC meetings to be hosted by 4 EC members
Our first PEP is proposed to be held in October Online by Dr Sunil Abraham
Planning to conduct 4 PEP programs this year
Cops EC tour would be planned accordingly in January
Cops bulletinis planned to be issued during this year than a journal
We discussed measures to increase the number of cops life members by inducting new Perio pgs
Also discussed potential to increase the awareness amazing general dentist by distributing Perio probe( depending on sponsors) with a leaflet about cops and diagnosis.

2nd EC meeting
The second executive meeting was held at IMA on 22.10.21.The meeting was presided by Dr.Joseph and was jointly hosted by Dr.Sanjeev, Dr.James, Dr.Plato and Dr.Winston.

The minutes of the meeting is detailed below:

It was decided to conduct a basic implantology 2 day program with hands on in association with Ida Smart City and GMI implants in the month of Nov. Dr.Biniraj will be a key note speaker from the COPS team. Expecting the presence of maximum no of post graduates and interns for the program.
The Cops tour program is tentatively fixed in the second weekend of January and the destination will be updated soon. Dr.Joseph has promised to make the necessary arrangements for the tour. Expecting the presence of maximum members as the date is announced in advance.
Dr.Plato, chief editor of Cops has planned to start with the initial proceedings for Cops bulletin for the upcoming year.

3rd EC meeting
The third executive meeting was held at IMA on 12.12.21.The meeting was presided by Dr.Joseph and was jointly hosted by Dr.Majo,Dr.Jayan,Dr.Senny,

The minutes of the meeting is detailed below

It was decided to conduct a one day pep with speakers Dr.Johnson and Dr.Karthikeyan.
One more evening pep was planned on Piezo with Dr.Bejoy as the speaker.
The Cops tour program is tentatively fixed in the month of January 2022 (third or 4th week).
The vote of thanks was proposed by the secretary and meeting was adjourned for fellowship and dinner

4th EC meeting
The minutes of the fourth executive committee meeting of COPS held on May 7th 2022 At IMA HOUSE ,KOCHI at 7.30 pm.

1. The installation for the next upcoming year is planned on June 12 Sunday evening.Its proposed to have AGM at 5 pm and Installation at 6 pm.
2.The membership fee for cops was discussed and has been revised to Rs 3000 ( Joining) and an annual membership fee of 500 ( All members) will be collected from the members.
3. The executive has proposed the names of following members as office bearers for the upcoming year

President - Dr.Siby T Chennankara
Immediate Past President - Dr.Joseph Thachil
President Elect : Dr.Bindhu Raechel
Secretary - Dr.Deepak Thomas
Treasurer - Dr.Sanjeev R"
Vice President - Dr Winston George
Joint Secretary - Dr Mathew Thomas James

The following members have been proposed to the executive

1. Dr.Tessa
2. Dr.Prajula
3. Dr Vivek Narayan
4. Dr Bejoy
5. Dr Biniraj
6. Dr Ann
7. Dr Jayan Jacob
8. Dr Mahesh Narayanan
9. Dr Jose Paul
10. Dr Majo
11. Dr Noorudin
12. Dr Rajesh Vylopilly
13. Dr Sajil John
14. Dr Raju Kurian Ninan

The meeting was Jointly hosted by Dr.Jose Paul,Dr.Noorudheen, Dr.Mahesh and Dr.Biniraj

Activities 2019 - 2020

1st EC meeting
Held on 27/11/2019, Wednesday evening @ 7:30pm jointly hosted by: Dr.Bijoy, Dr.Mathew , Dr.Deepak & Dr.Sanjeev
Venue: Kgmoa hall, IMA house

1st Professional enrichment program
Held on 11 dec 2019, Wednesday @ 7.00 pm.
Venue: Hotel Sealord, Kochi

Topic 1: LRS - A boon in smile Redesigning
Speaker :
Dr. Ramu Vinayak

Topic 2 : Vestibuloplasty- An appraisal of three different techniques
Dr. Adhila Rafiq

Dr. Meghna Sreekumar

* Speakers are post graduates from Amrita School of Dentistry

2nd EC meeting
Held on 11th march 2020, wednesday at Hotel Park Central hosted by Dr. Raju Kurian Ninan, Dr. Rajesh Vyllopillil, Dr. Majo Ambooken & Dr. Majesh Narayanan

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